MAX is an innovative and cost-effective SaaS application that facilitates the procurement process by supporting product catalogue management, quotations, requisitions and purchase order transactions and invoicing functions. MAX streamlines the purchasing process by allowing buyers and resellers to access their shared information in one location.
As a corporate purchaser, use MAX to manage requisitions across all departments. As a reseller, use MAX to buy and resell merchandise to external clients. MAXimize cost savings by controlling off-contract spending, soliciting multiple quotations from vendors and leveraging volume purchases to obtain preferred vendor pricing.
MAX provides a forum for coordinated entry and submission of RFQs from internal or external clients and manages quotations from vendors. Requisitions and purchase orders are easily generated from quotes. Commonly ordered items and pricing may be maintained in the Product Catalogue to facilitate re-orders and accelerate response times to clients and suppliers.
MAX offers flexibility with a “self-service” platform for clients to create requisitions and order the products they need while your purchasing department maintains centralized controls. Auto-build vendor purchase orders from requisitions, clone existing orders for repeat items or generate new orders from scratch.
Vendor invoices are accepted electronically or can be easily entered in MAX. Freight and taxes can be added to the invoice without having to modify the purchase order. Use the vendor’s invoice to easily generate an associated invoice to your client or for internal department billing.
As a shared application, MAX is hosted entirely by DSS and can be accessed globally at any time. There is no need to budget for hardware or software maintenance or internal IT resources. As you expand your client base, MAX will grow with you.